Sunday, October 23, 2005

Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic

Sunday afternoon at Barnes and Nobel looking at various titles, reading a bit here, reading a bit there, hoping to find an interesting book. Nothing new in the economics, business, marketing, how to make a million section, so I started going down isles at random. I looked at some travel books, but decided against it, and moved on to the psychology/ Self help section. I picked up a book titled: "how to make people like you in 90 seconds or less".
The authors thesis was that people decide if they like you and thereby listen to you or hate you and not listen to you in the first 90 seconds of your meeting.
I thought to myself I could use some of this in class, so I read more. He had the standard copy the body language of whoever you want to communicate with and other standard self help stuff.
He covered the idea of different people thinking differently because they communicate using different senses. He broke them down into 3 groups Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. The author advised the reader to create a message tailored to the target. I was familiar with this concept, but he had a way of figuring out anyone in a few second, which I like to test.
The following is his method of classifying people into one of the three groups:

  1. Visual people Speak fast are sharp dressers. Visuals are very meticulous and impatient with long explanations that Kinesthetic people tend to provide.
  2. Kinesthetic people speak slow. They try to explain feelings which they fail at and tend to drive visual people nuts. They dress for comfort in loose fitting clothing. Most Kinesthetic men have facial hair.
  3. Auditory people speak in a moderate speed and change the tone and speed of their voice to fit the situation. They try to make a statement in the way they dress but they don't always succeed.

He also had a long written test, I came out somewhere between Visual and Kinesthetic. I have not an ounce of Auditory in me! I fit the profile I like to dress up and look good but deep down I am a slob when it comes to dressing. When talking about something that requires logic I am ultra visual and draw maps in my mind, but when it comes to any kind of relationships I rely more on my feelings and intuition.

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